sulk = when someone refuses to smile or be pleasant
Today I have a major case of the "ughhhs." All I want to do is watch Everybody Loves Raymond and sulk. I have no idea what I wish to sulk about. I have no reason to sulk. It's just that every now & then a day or two like this come out of nowhere. It seems like I'm walking around with a huge cloud over my head. Like a personified version of those cartoons. You know what I'm talking about? Yup. That's me the past two days, folks. I hate it. So I'm going to make myself snap out of it, because I hate being this way. And if that doesn't work, well I'm going to lock myself up in my room away from humans so they don't have to endure this nonsense that is my mood...
But my good friend Finn said something brilliant today over Facebook: (He'd kill me if he knew I was sharing this, but whatever. He doesn't read here or my twitter. Fewf. ;)
For some reason this actually made sense to me after the laughter. Because really, he's right. In some weird, Finn-way, he's right.
As per usual.
But my good friend Finn said something brilliant today over Facebook: (He'd kill me if he knew I was sharing this, but whatever. He doesn't read here or my twitter. Fewf. ;)
"I'm eating a cold pizza in my kitchen, but it's delicious," he said. "You know, sometimes life is just like this pizza: you like the taste, so you have to bite it even though its cold. Chew it and it becomes tasty."
For some reason this actually made sense to me after the laughter. Because really, he's right. In some weird, Finn-way, he's right.
As per usual.